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Publié : dim. déc. 19, 2004 7:58 am
par Char Aznable
J`ai cherché et j`ai pas trouvé sur les moteurs de recherches,mais est ce qu`il y en n`a qui savent ce qu`a dit Trump de son show de merde de Jeudi.À t il passé des entrevues depuis?Je parle ici autant de la façon dont a été traité Jen que du manque de classe du show entier en général.

Publié : mer. déc. 29, 2004 12:29 pm
par sakke
rupert  a écritJ`ai cherché et j`ai pas trouvé sur les moteurs de recherches,mais est ce qu`il y en n`a qui savent ce qu`a dit Trump de son show de merde de Jeudi.À t il passé des entrevues depuis?Je parle ici autant de la façon dont a été traité Jen que du manque de classe du show entier en général.

Je n'ai rien trouvé pour le moment...

Publié : mer. déc. 29, 2004 12:38 pm
par sakke
Article tiré du IN TOUCH du 6 décembre 2004

Loser of the week

The Apprentice’s Wes

Were you effective as a project manager?
My strategy was to use the best weapon available – Maria. Marketing was her field.

How did you react when she was fired?
I said, "Thank god, I’m safe". I even scooted my chair back!

Who is the biggest troublemaker on the show?
Besides Maria? Definitely, Ivana. The women on the show are like a bunch of rabid cats stuck in a cage.

The Apprentice’s Maria

How did you felt when you were fired?
I felt the exact same emotion as when I was pulled over speeding, which was "guilty as charged".

What did you think when Wes was fired, too?
I thought, "That’s right, you are responsible too! Get your butt out the door with me". We both deserved to go.

How did you feel about Sandy after your fight?
She’s great, I like her a lot. But she’s hypercompetitive, gets ultraconcerned about winning and overcompensates.


Perdant de la semaine

Wes de The Apprentice

As-tu été efficace comme gestionnaire de projet?
Ma stratégie a été d’utilisé la meilleure arme disponible – Maria. Le marketing était sa branche.

Comment as-tu réagi lorsqu’elle a été virée?
Je me suis dit, "Dieu Merci, je suis en sécurité". J’avais même reculé ma chaise pour sortir!

Qui est le plus grand fauteur de trouble dans l’émission?
Après Maria? Définitivement, Ivana. Les femmes de l’émission sont comme des chattes dans une cage.

Maria de The Apprentice

Comment t’es tu sentie lorsque tu as été congédiée?
J’ai ressentie la même émotion lorsque je me fait arrêter pour excès de vitesse, c’est-à-dire coupable.

Qu’as tu pensé lorsque Wes a été congédié, aussi ?
J’ai pensé, "C’est correct, tu es aussi responsable! Sors d’ici avec moi". Nous méritions les deux de quitter.

Comment te sens-tu à propos de Sandy après la chicane que vous avez eu?
Elle est correcte, je l’aime beaucoup. Mais elle est  hypercompétitive et elle devient très obsédée sur la victoire et elle en mets beaucoup de trop.

Publié : mer. déc. 29, 2004 12:50 pm
par Char Aznable
sakke  a écrit

Je n'ai rien trouvé pour le moment...
Moi j`ai juste trouvé ça à propos de la finale.

Jennifer disses the Donald over 'Apprentice' finale

Knight Ridder Newspapers
Dec. 22, 2004 09:05 AM

Friends of Jennifer Massey likened the finale of "The Apprentice" to the movie "Gladiator," in which Russell Crowe's character is stabbed in the back before being thrown into the arena for a final clash.

Donald Trump, claiming to be "undecided," invited executives, former contestants and audience members to weigh in on the winner. In the end, the 30-year-old lady lawyer lost out to Kelly Perdew and his West Point background.

It wasn't pretty, and Jennifer M. tells TV Guide Online why: advertisement  

-TVGO: So, have you forgiven Mr. Trump for that little verbal jockeying he did at the very end that seemed to be leading to the declaration of your victory, but instead ended with him saying, "You're fired"?

-Jennifer M.: You know, I think ultimately Mr. Trump is a showman. I think it was a bit lacking in business integrity, but again, that's the performance he wanted to put on. It wasn't only me that was disappointed - I have over 400 e-mails that reflect a lot of shock people felt witnessing that live finale. It really compromised the demographic of that show. You have a lot of really intelligent business individuals out there, and a lot were really disgusted by the way that things went down.

-TVGO: Still, you had a few people pushing for you there.

-Jennifer M.: I want to acknowledge fellow contestant John for really stepping up for me and expressing his indignation at the unprofessionalism that was taking place. Season 1 player Omarosa also stood up at the very end and called it a disgrace to women.

-TVGO: Which fellow contestants might you keep in touch with?

-Jennifer M.: Andy and Raj are two of my favorites. Andy is a really classy individual who showed a tone of positive and respectful competitiveness throughout the cast. For that reason, I'm really looking forward to keeping up with Andy.

-TVGO: Do you have any thoughts on "The Apprentice 3," which will pit people with book smarts against those with street smarts?

-Jennifer M.: I'm a little mystified by the premise. I really think the best candidate is someone that has both. So I don't really understand why they're making that divide. --Message edité par rupert le 2004-12-29 17:51:24--

Publié : mar. janv. 04, 2005 2:02 pm
par sakke
Article tiré du IN TOUCH du 13 décembre 2004

The kid gets fired!

Debate champ Andy can’t talk his way out of an The Apprentice debacle.

Of all the challenges 23 year-old Andy Litinsky faced on The Apprentice, the biggest was overcoming his fellow contestants barbs about his age and immaturity. "It made me stronger from the first day" Andy a.k.a. The Kid, tells IN TOUCH. "It helped me get as far as I got". Indeed, it was a surprise when the Harvard grad, who several castmates thought would go all the way, was fired after designing a laughably bad soda bottle for Pepsi. Here, the Florida native reveals why there’s still plenty of fizz left in his future.

What went wrong?
I really thought we had a good bottle! If I were buying limited-edition bottle, I’d want it to be kooky and different. I wouldn’t have done anything differently on that task.

But you messed up in the boardroom?
I thought Mr. Trump would break up the fight between Jen and Sandy. It was probably my responsibility to do that, and that was one of the reasons I got fired. Women can be tough!

What was your proudest moment?
When I was project manager of the NYPD commercial. Everyone was against me, wanting me to throw sex appeal in, but I stuck with what I wanted to do. I was happy with that.

Speaking of sex appeal, do women approach you on the street?
Absolutely! It’s been fun. Moms seem to like me the best. They sometimes like me more than their daughters do! They’re always trying to set me up.

What’s your type?
I’m definitely looking for a nice young woman, someone who’s intelligent, attractive and willing to date me.

Any other fun fan encounters?
The day after the first episode aired, I flew from Los Angeles to Miami. The first person to recognize me from being on the show was the stewardess. She said: "You were great on the show last night. Will you sign my IN TOUCH magazine?" Swear to God!

So what are you going to work on now?
I’m going to see what opportunities come out of this. And I’m the new Pepsi guy. I’m going to do some PR and appearances for them. They’ve been very good to me.

As your alma mater been calling, too?
I’ve had few requests for speaking engagements and interviews from Harvard. But I’ve graduated. The can’t make me take any more classes!


Le "kid" a été congédié!

De tous les défis qu’Andy Litinsky, 23 ans, a dû  affronter lors de l’émission The Apprentice, les commentaires de ses coéquipiers concernant son âge et son immaturité ont été les plus importants. "Cela m’a rendu plus fort dès le premier jour" Andy a.k.a. The Kid, confie à  IN TOUCH. "Cela m’a aussi aidé à me rendre si loin". En effet, plusieurs ont été surpris de voir ce récent gradué de Harvard, dont plusieurs voyaient déjà gagnant, se faire congédier après avoir créer une mauvaise bouteille de Pepsi.

Qu’est-ce qu’il s’est passé?
Je pensais vraiment que nous avions une bonne idée de bouteille! Si je devais acheter une bouteille édition limitée, je voudrais acheter quelque chose de différent. Si je devais refaire cette épreuve, je ferais la même chose.

Par contre, tu t’es planté dans le "boardroom"?
Je croyais que Monsieur Trump aurait mis fin à la dispute entre Jen et Sandy. C’était probablement ma responsabilité et c’est pour cette raison que j’ai été viré. Les femmes peuvent être très fortes!

De quel moment es-tu le plus fier?
Lorsque j’étais gestionnaire de projet de la publicité pour le NYPD. Tout le monde était contre moi, il voulait ajouter du "sex appeal" dans la publicité, mais j’ai gardé mon idée. J’étais très content de ça.

En parlant de "sex appeal", est-ce que les femmes t’approchent sur la rue?
Absolument! C’est très intéressant. Les mères semblent bien m’apprécier. Parfois, elles m’aiment plus que leurs filles! Elles essaient toujours de me "matcher".

Quel est ton type?
Je suis à la recherche d’une jeune femme intelligente, attirante et qui veut me fréquenter.

As-tu eu des rencontres intéressantes avec des fans?
La journée après que le premier épisode ait été diffusé, j’ai pris l’avion de Los Angeles à Miami. La première personne qui m’a reconnue m’a dit : "Tu étais bon dans l’émission hier soir. Voudrais-tu signer mon magazine IN TOUCH?" Je te le jure!

Sur quoi vas-tu travailler?
Je vais analyser les opportunités qui vont s’offrir à moi. Je suis le nouveau gars Pepsi. Je vais faire des relations publiques et des apparitions pour eux. Ils ont été très gentil avec moi.

Est-ce que ta fraternité t’a appelé?
J’ai eu quelques demandes pour faire des conférences et des entrevues à Harvard. Cependant, j’ai gradué. Ils ne peuvent pas me faire prendre d’autres cours!

Publié : mar. janv. 04, 2005 2:11 pm
par Char Aznable
Citation :sakke a dit
[g]Sur quoi vas-tu travailler?
Je vais analyser les opportunités qui vont s-non dispo-8217;offrir à moi. Je suis le nouveau gars Pepsi. Je vais faire des relations publiques et des apparitions pour eux. Ils ont été très gentil avec moi.

Bizarre que Pepsi engage celui qui c`est planté pendant leur challenge.
L`histoire dit elle si l`annonce de Pepsi au super bowl va être annoncer par Sandy.

Publié : mer. janv. 05, 2005 1:28 pm
par Whenever
Quel joke lol. Franchement j'espere qu'il sera juste porte-parole! Parce que franchement question publicité il est merdique!

Publié : mer. janv. 05, 2005 2:12 pm
par Char Aznable
Whenever  a écritQuel joke lol. Franchement j'espere qu'il sera juste porte-parole! Parce que franchement question publicité il est merdique!
Par contre,sa publicité de recrutement pour le NYPD était pas merdique.

Publié : dim. janv. 09, 2005 12:38 pm
par sakke
Article tiré du IN TOUCH du 27 décembre 2004

Loser of the week: The Apprentice Kevin

Did you know you were going home?
I’m still waiting for the call to go back and lead the team!

Donald said you lacked experience?
I was a broker. I’ve run companies before, and I have the same degrees Kelly has.

What’s next?
Finishing school. I’m looking to do real estate, too. One day Mr. Trump will see me on the other side of the deal table!

Loser of the week: The Apprentice Sandy

What went wrong?
Mr. Trump knew what he wanted. Unfortunately, it wasn’t me.

Do you think your lack education hurt you?
If I could have pulled a degree out of thin air, I think I’d be in the final 2.

What’s next?
I’m still at my shop, Distinctive Designs Bridal. I hope to publish a wedding-planning journal.


Perdant de la semaine: The Apprentice Kevin

Est-ce que tu savais que tu t’en allais ?
J’attends toujours l’appel afin de retourner mener l’équipe.

Donald a dit que tu manquais d’expérience?
J’étais un courtier. J’ai géré des compagnies et j’ai les mêmes études que Kelly.

Qu’est-ce qui t’attends?
Je vais finir l’école. J’aimerais me diriger dans l’immobilier. Un jour, Mr. Trump sera de l’autre côté de la table de négociations!

Perdant de la semaine: The Apprentice Sandy

Qu’est-ce qui s’est passé?
Mr. Trump savais ce qu’il voulais. Malheureusement, ce n’était pas moi.

Est-ce que tu penses que ton manque d’éducation t’a nui ?
Si j’aurais eu un baccalauréat, je serais parmi les 2 finalistes.

Qu’est-ce qui t’attends?
Je suis toujours à ma boutique, Distinctive Designs Bridal. Je souhaite publier un journal sur la planification d’un mariage.

Publié : dim. janv. 09, 2005 3:03 pm
par sakke
Pour ceux qui s'inquiétait du sort de Jen.

Article tiré du IN TOUCH du 3 janvier 2005

How’s Jen doing ?
Despite coming in second, Jennifer Massey says: "I’m feeling good. You can’t win them all, but I did my best". The securities lawyer from San Francisco intends to keep working for her firm but also has bigger plans. "I have offers to write a book. But I really want to design clothing line for women that’s affordable" she says. "I love to shop!".

Comment va Jen? ?
Malgré le fait qu’elle soit arrivée en deuxième, Jennifer Massey confie : "Je me sens bien. Je ne peux pas tout gagner, mais j’ai fait de mon mieux". L’avocate de San Francisco compte bien continuer à travailler pour sa firme mais elle a aussi d’autres plans en tête. "J’ai eu des offres pour écrire un livre. Par contre, j’aimerais bien créer une ligne de vêtements féminins à prix abordables" dit-elle. "J’adore magasiner!".

Publié : dim. janv. 09, 2005 3:26 pm
par Char Aznable
wowwww,UNE seule question. Voici un interview du journal qui la suivait pendant son apparence à l`émission.Pour ceux qui on pas le goût de lire,j`ai quand même mis le point important en rouge.

Savannah's Jennifer Massey talks about her turn on The Apprentice

Apprentice finalist Jennifer Massey talks about the difference between reality - and reality TV
Mary Carr Mayle

Savannah's Jennifer Massey didn't get hired on last month's live finale of "The Apprentice," but the 30-year-old securities litigator now living in San Francisco did beat out more than a million applicants to make it to Donald Trump's final boardroom showdown.

While 37-year-old Kelly Perdew got The Donald's job, time may prove Massey, a Savannah Country Day School graduate, the real winner.

In a question-and-answer session with the Morning News this week, Massey talked about lessons learned, new doors opened and why you can't always believe everything you see on TV.

Q. How accurately did the show portray the reality of what you and the other candidates experienced?

A. Well, it was reality in the sense that we weren't told what to say or do, but there were lots of times when what the television audience saw was not at all the way things really happened. Every week, the show's producers pared more than a hundred hours of footage down to a one-hour show - 42 minutes really, allowing for commercials. That left room for a lot of creative editing designed to advance the storyline.

This was my first experience with reality TV and I went in thinking they really wouldn't edit us. I know better now. There were times when situations were edited to appear totally different from what really happened. We didn't see the edited versions of the show until they actually aired. On more than one occasion I sat in front of the television with my jaw on the ground.

Q. What didn't we see?

A. I think the episode that surprised me the most was the one in which we developed a marketing campaign for Levi's. For that job, I spent a tremendous amount of time with the Levi's executives, researching the product and making sure our team knew what they wanted us to emphasize. But, in the final editing, none of that was shown. I also was tasked with doing 10 minutes of the presentation and handling the Q&A session, but the show was edited to make it look as if I had just jumped in to take credit for another team member's idea. They wanted to make me look cut-throat and scheming. I guess it made for better TV, but it wasn't the way it happened at all.

Q. The live finale was pretty brutal, with almost everyone Trump called on voicing support for Kelly. A lot of people, including several of your competitors who spoke out afterward, felt it was a real ambush. Do you agree?

A. I really don't know. It's easy to sit back now and play armchair quarterback, but at the time, I honestly didn't see it coming. By the time we got to the live finale, I'd seen all the other episodes and I knew that things weren't always what they seemed. So the more Mr. Trump played up Kelly, the more I thought he was setting up to pick me. I was pretty confident that I'd held my own in the boardroom sessions, which I think is ultimately more important than who sells the most ice cream.

In retrospect, I see the subtle signs now - the fact that, week after week, I was asked to defend my actions, to prove I could hold my own, where the same was rarely required of Kelly.

But I'm not really upset about the way things turned out. Yes, it got uncomfortable, but it was also a great opportunity to test my mettle in front of 20 million people. It was the ultimate task and, having survived that, I feel like I can do anything.

Q. Knowing what you know now, if you could go back and do it over, what would you do differently?

A. Aside from the editing, which was out of all the candidates' hands, I really don't think I'd change anything. Because to do so, I'd have to compromise my beliefs and principles and then I'd have to live with that. I'm comfortable now in that I feel I tried my best and I stood up for what I thought was right. I know that defending Stacie J. early on cost me some friendships but I'm still glad I did it.

Overall, it was a very positive experience, one I feel very fortunate to have had. Imagine having the opportunity to work with some of the top industry executives from companies like Levi's and Mattel? Where else could you find that?

Q. What was the biggest surprise of your Apprentice experience?

A. Beyond a doubt, the most amazing thing has been the hundreds of e-mails I'm getting from young women and teens who say that I'm their role model, that they're now thinking about going to law school or getting on a business track. They're saying "If she can do it, I can do it" and I find that so gratifying, and so humbling. Never in my wildest dreams did I expect the show to have an impact beyond the entertainment factor. It's a responsibility I take seriously.

Q. Were you and the other Apprentice candidates really at each others' throats for 16 weeks?

A. Absolutely not. We had a lot of fun together and most of us have remained friends. But that isn't what the show is about, so what you see more of are the tense times, the times we argued and snapped at each other. And, certainly there were those moments. The show is set up to breed conflict and competition.

The idea was to give us more work than we could possibly do well within the time constraints, so we always felt under the gun. None of us slept more than two or three hours a night and our eating habits weren't much better. I lost 10 pounds.

Imagine 18 people basically living and working together and then having to go into the boardroom every week and point out each others' weaknesses. Naturally, nerves are going to be frayed and tempers short. But, for the most part, I think we handled it with humor and friendship. The audience heard the harsh words but rarely got to hear the apologies that followed or the light-hearted moments.

When Mr. Trump said to me during the finale, "Jennifer, your team didn't like you," you could have knocked me over with a feather. I was good friends with most of the competitors down to the final four or five.

Q. Taking yourself out of the equation, who do you think were the strongest candidates?
A. I think Andy has accomplished a lot in his 23 years and has a lot of integrity. He's definitely going to make an impact somewhere. Pamela is incredibly smart and accomplished, but she was really marginalized by the editing. She would have been a great Apprentice, but I don't think she got a fair shot at it. John and Brad also had a lot to offer. And Raj, for all his quirks, is truly one of the good guys.

Q. What's next on the horizon for you?

A. Right now, I'm still exploring my options. I'm amazed at the number of agents and businesspeople who are telling me that I've really won because - while working for Mr. Trump for a year would have been great - unlike Kelly, I'm free to strike while the iron is hot and the doors are opening.

One area I think I'd really like to explore is television. Being on Apprentice was my first experience with television and I've discovered that I enjoy working with producers. Since our taping ended, I've done some legal commentary for Fox and I'm talking to several other networks about hosting possibilities.

Q. We have to ask. What's your impression of The Donald?

A. Beyond the hair? That seems to be what everyone wants to know about. Seriously, I think he's a great businessman who's done a tremendous job of promoting himself. In person, he's a lot more real than he appears on television, where he comes off as kind of humorless and stiff. He actually has a great sense of humor.

Q. What are you most proud of in your Apprentice appearances?

A. The fact that I was able to go on a reality show, hang in for 16 weeks and still emerge with my integrity and dignity intact.

Publié : mar. janv. 11, 2005 3:18 pm
par sakke
Article tiré du IN TOUCH du 3 janvier 2005

I’m still in shock!

He’s hired! Apprentice winner Kelly trumped the competition and I ready to get to work.

First season winner Bill Rancic told him to better get used to sleep deprivation. Indeed, after being anointed the new Apprentice, Kelly Perdew only had 90 minutes of shut-eye before a whirlwind day of public appearances in NY and LA to promote his big win. "I’m pretty overwhelmed" the 37-years-old software executive said  "I’m still in shock".

Kelly plan to relocate from San Diego to New York with Therisa Stewart, his fiancée, to start his job working on Donald Trump’s $5 billion residential building project in Manhattan. And the West Point grad is ready to roll up his sleeves: "I’m going to impress Mr. Trump!"

Did you know you were going to win ?
I was pretty positive going into it, but you never know what’s going to happen. But that’s my nature, to be strong. When I feel like I can do something, I give it my best and the end results will follow.

Almost everyone was rooting for you ?
That was pretty humbling, actually. I was just amazed at all the nice things people had to say about me.

Why do you think you beat Jennifer ?
My experience is unquestionably better than hers. And during this 15-week interview period, I had 10 wins, only 4 losses. She had 6 and 8. And Mr. Trump constantly points out that he wants to surround himself with winners.

But she was a strong competitor ?
Jennifer’s fierce. She extremely bright, incredibly articulate and devastating to argue with.

What are your weaknesses ?
People pointed out "He’s a robot, he’s too disciplined" but a lot of that is due to editing.

Which contestants would you have hire – and which wouldn’t you ?
That’s easy. Kevin is really strong. I would love to work with him in some capacity. Pamela is a leader more than she is a follower. She would do a lot better as the head of an organization than she would at taking direction.

How does Therisa feel about moving to NY ?
During the break (at the live finale) I was able to talk to my fiancée a little about it. And she was 100% supportive of it.

When do you plan to get married ?
We haven’t figure it out. We’re going to wait and see what happen with this.

Will everyone from the show will be invited ?
Absolutely! I’m sure once we set a date, we’ll figure all of that out.

How was The Apprentice experience?
From hitting balls with John McEnroe to driving Lamborghinis to jamming with Billy Joel – each of those things is amazing. But experiencing all of them over 15-week-period was phenomenal!


Je suis toujours sur le choc!
Il est engagé! Le gagnant de l’émission The Apprentice, Kelly, est prêt à travailler.  

Le gagnant de la première édition, Bill Rancic, lui a conseillé de s’habituer à être privé de sommeil.  En effet, tout juste après sa nomination,  Kelly Perdew a seulement eu 90 minutes de sommeil avant un tourbillon d’entrevues médiatiques et d’apparitions publiques à NY et à LA afin de faire la promotion de sa victoire. "Je suis ravi et encore sur le choc" affirme-t-il.

Kelly planifie de se relocaliser de San Diego vers New York avec Therisa Stewart, sa fiancée, afin de débuter son nouvel emploi. Il sera en charge d’un projet résidentiel de $5 billions à Manhattan. Le gradué de West Point est prêt à retrousser ses manches : "Je vais impression Mr. Trump!"

Savais-tu que tu allais gagner ?
J’étais très positif mais tu ne peux jamais prédire ce qui va se passer. Par contre, c’est dans ma nature d’être fort. Lorsque que je crois que je peux faire quelque chose, je donne toujours mon meilleur et les résultats s’en suivent.

Presque tout le monde était de ton côté ?
J’étais très étonné par les commentaires positifs que les gens disaient à mon égard.

Pourquoi penses-tu avoir battu Jennifer?
Mon expérience est incontestablement meilleure que la sienne. De plus, pendant cette période d’entrevue de 15 semaines, j’ai eu 10 victoires et seulement 4 défaites. Elle avait 6 victoires et 8 défaites. Finalement, Mr. Trump a constamment évoqué qu’il désirait s’entourer de gagnants.

Quelles sont tes faiblesses ?
Les gens disaient que j’était comme un robot et trop discipliné mais cela est attribuable à "l’éditing".

Quels participants que tu engagerais – et lesquels tu n’engagerais pas ?
C’est facile. Kevin est très fort. J’aimerais travailler avec lui. Pamela  est une plutôt une "leader" qu’une suiveuse. Elle serait bien meilleure à la tête d’une organisation qu’à se faire donner des ordres.

Comment Therisa se sent de déménager à NY ?
Pendant la pause commerciale (à la finale en directe), j’ai été capable de discuter avec ma fiancée. Elle supportait mon choix à 100%.

Quand planifiez-vous de vous marier ?
Nous ne le savons pas encore. Nous allons attendre de voir comment le tout va se dérouler.

Est-ce que tous les participants de l’émission seront invités ?
Absolument! Lorsque nous allons fixer la date, nous allons tout décider cela.  

Comment as-été ton expérience d’apprenti ?
D’avoir frappé des balles avec John McEnroe à conduire des Lamborghinis jusqu’à jammer avec Billy Joel – toutes ces choses étaient extraordinaires. C’est une expérience phénoménale.

Publié : mar. janv. 11, 2005 3:44 pm
par sakke
Article tiré du STAR du 3 janvier 2005

Kelly is Trump’s new Apprentice!

Donald Trump told STAR that hiring Kelly Perdew, 37, was the right choice and that the final show provided his favorite boardroom session ever. "That was as good as it gets", he enthused at the Roseland Ballroom party following the dramatic season’s finale on Dec. 16.

Now the big decisions fall on Perdew’s shoulders. Kelly, who lives in San Diego with fiancée Therisa Stewart, a financial exec., has to move to NYC, where he’ll oversee a real estate project for Trump.

"I’m still reeling", Perdew tells STAR. "I have to talk to my fiancée and decide what we’ll do".

Kelly had to lie a lot to do The Apprentice! "My fiancée knew where I was, but the rest of my family thought I was in India!" Perdew reveals. "We had to keep everything secret".

First up for Donald’s newest employee? A vacation! "I absolutely need to make up for the lost time with Therisa" Perdew admits. But there’s no rest for Trump. Season 3 of The Apprentice starts Jan. 20, and Trump announced on the finale that he will start a fourth season! Can Perdew possibly keep up? Original Apprentice Bill Rancic offers this sage advice: "Hang on! You’re in for the ride of your life".


Brainy Jennifer Massey favored to win the competition by at least one gambling Wesite – was disappointed by The Donald’s decision. "I anticipated that the Trump organization would look for a strong woman" the 30-year-old San Franciscan tells STAR. "As the weeks went by, I thought maybe that’s not what they’re looking for". But Jen’s not crying in her coffee. She has a hunky husband – Aron- and big plans for the future. "I want to design an attractive line of professional clothing that women can actually afford" she says.


Carolyn Kepcher eventually agreed with Donald’s final decision. "I thought Jen was going to win for a while. I especially liked it when she stood up for Stacie J."

Pamela Day was the favorite of a lot of people early on, but still got voted off. "I was rooting for Jen. She’s an upstandish citizen. I would liked to see some ethical behavior in Kelly".

Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth is never shy with her opinion. "Hands-down I thought Jennifer would win. Kelly is the status quo. He was a comfortable decision for Trump".

Stacy Rotner thought the show would be just about business. "I thought Jen had it in the bag! She was the only one who never let things get personal".


Kelly est le nouvel apprenti de Trump!

Donald Trump a dit à  STAR que l’embauche de Kelly Perdew, 37, était le bon choix. D’après lui, la finale de l’émission fut la meilleure session dans le « boardroom » s'exclama-t-il au party après la finale.

Les grandes décisions sont maintenant sur les épaules de Kelly. Ce dernier vit à San Diego avec sa fiancée Therisa Stewart. Ils doivent donc déménager à NYC, d’où il supervisera un projet immobilier de Trump.

"Je suis toujours en train de le réaliser", Perdew explique à STAR. "Je dois discuter avec ma fiancée et nous déciderons ce que nous ferons".

Kelly a dû mentir énormément pour participer à The Apprentice! "Ma fiancée savait où j’étais, mais le reste de famille croyait que j’étais en Inde!" revèle Kelly. "Nous devions garder tout secret".

Première chose à faire pour le nouvel employé de Donald? Des vacances! "Je dois absolument rattraper le temps perdu avec Therisa" admets Kelly. Cependant, il n’y a aucun repos pour Trump. La 3e saison de The Apprentice débutera le 20 janvier et Trump a annoncé, lors de la finale, qu’il allait commencer une 4e saison ! Est-ce que Kelly sera capable de tenir le coup? Le premier apprenti, Bill Rancic, offre de sages conseils: "Tiens toi bien! Tu embarques dans l’aventure de ta vie".

La brillante Jennifer Massey, qui était favorite pour gagner d’après un site Internet de paris, a été déçue par la décision de Donald. "J’anticipais que l’organisation Trump recherchait une femme forte" explique la femme de 30 ans. "Au fil des semaines, je pensais de plus en plus que ce n’était peut être pas ce qu’il recherchait". Mais Jen n’est pas en peine. Elle a un super beau mari – Aron- et plusieurs projets pour le futur. "Je veux dessiner une belle ligne de vêtements pour les femmes professionnelles à prix abordables" dit-elle.

Carolyn Kepcher a éventuellement accepter la décision finale de Donald. "Je croyais que Jen gagnerait pour un moment. J’ai surtout bien aimé lorsqu’elle a défendue Stacie J."

Pamela Day était la préférée de plusieurs personne. "Je prenais pour Jen. Elle est une citoyenne exemplaire. J’aurais aimé voir davantage un comportement éthique de la part de Kelly".

Omarosa Manigault-Stallworth n’est jamais gênée de dire son opinion. "Je croyais que Jennifer aurait gagné. Kelly représente le statu quo. C’était une décision confortable pour Trump".

Stacy Rotner pensait que l’émission concernerait seulement les affaires. "Je croyais que la victoire de Jen était dans le sac! Elle fut la seule personne qui n’a pas laissé les choses devenir personnelles".

Publié : mar. janv. 11, 2005 4:05 pm
par sakke
Article tiré du US Weekly du 3 janvier 2005

Life after The Apprentice

Those filthy folding chairs in Donald Trump’s VIP box at the polo match almost did Perdew in. But the software exec. so impress Trump that he won a $250 000 per year gig running Trump’s $4 billions real-estate development on Manhattan West Side. "The audience was obviously for Kelly, but that has zero influence on me" Trumps tells US. "I’m moving to NYC, I’ve got a new job and a new boss" tells Kelly.

Season 2 Standouts

Ivana Ma, 28
The former Boston venture capitalist will wed Harvard Business school student Brian Kirkbride this June in the Bahamas

Kevin Allen, 30
"I started Mogul Financial Corporation" says the Chicagoan, who will marry girlfriend Lindsay Anderson in August.

Sandy Ferreira, 28
"I’d love to publish a wedding planner" admits the bridal-salon owner from Maryland.

Raj Bhakta, 28
The single Vail-based real-estate developper’s goal "To get involved in political commentary".

Stacie Jones, 35
"I’m shooting a Seven Jeans ad" says the single NYC Subway sandwich shop owner.

Now that Season 1 Apprentice winner Bill Rancic has been replaced by a new protégé, will he renew his $250 000 per-year contract spearheading construction of the Trump International Hotel and Tower in Chicago ? "Trump and I are working on a real-estate project together" Chicago-based Rancic, 33 – who recently purchased a condo in a Trump property in White Plains, New York – exclusively tells US. "I don’t want to give a lot of details, since nothing is official yet and it’s bad luck". As for his successor, he says : "Kelly was the guy who got the job done".

La vie après The Apprentice

Ces chaises crasseuses au match de polo ont presque coûté la victoire à Kelly.Mais il a tellement impressionné Trump qu’il a gagné un emploi rapportant $250 000 par année en gérant un développement immobilier de $4 billions à Manhattan. "Le public était en faveur de Kelly, mais cela n’a eu aucune influence sur ma décision" dit Trump à US. "Je déménage à NYC, j’ai un nouvel emploi et un nouveau patron" dit Kelly.

Les inoubliables de la 2e saison

Ivana Ma, 28
L’ancienne capitaliste d’entreprises à risques de Boston mariera un étudiant de Harvard Business, Brian Kirkbride, en juin au Bahamas.

Kevin Allen, 30
"J’ai débuté le Manitou de la finance" dit-il. Il se mariera avec sa copine, Lindsay Anderson, en août.

Sandy Ferreira, 28
"J’aimerais publier un planificateur de mariage" admets la propriétaire d’un salon de mariage du Maryland.

Raj Bhakta, 28
Le but de ce célibataire agent immobilier "M’investir dans des commentaires politiques".

Stacie Jones, 35
"Je serai dans une publicité de Seven Jeans" dit la célibataire de NYC qui détient une franchise Subway.

Maintenant que le gagnant de la 1ère saison, Bill Rancic, a été remplacé par le nouveau protégé, va-t-il renouveler son contrat $250 000 par année constituant à gérer la construction de l’hôtel et la tour Trump International à Chicago ? "Trump et moi travaillons sur un projet immobilier ensemble". L’homme qui est établi à Chicago a récemment acheté un condo dans un propriété de Trump à White Plains, New York. Il s’est confié exclusivement à  US. "Je ne veux pas donner trop de détails car rien n’est officiel et cela pourrait nous apporter de la malchance". En ce qui a trait à son sucesseur: "Kelly était l’homme qui pouvait faire le travail".

Publié : mer. janv. 12, 2005 3:04 pm
par Char Aznable

Enfin,on vient de trouver un défaut à Jennifer Massey.
(voir à la gauche de la photo )

Publié : mar. janv. 25, 2005 3:50 pm
par sakke
Article tiré du STAR du 17 janvier 2005

The Apprentice Kelly Perdew: His fiancée’s brave battle against cancer

Kelly Perdew’s fiancée, Therisa Stewart, was right by his side the night of his victory. But what the millions of viewers didn’t know (even Donald Trump) was that the couple’s elation masked a sobering reality: Therisa, 33, has been bravely battling breast cancer.

"It’s very obvious,very aggressive form of breast cancer" says a friend of Perdew. "It was diagnosed right around Kelly began filming The Apprentice earlier this year. Obviously, Therisa’s health has been weighing heavily on Kelly behind the scenes – but they’re both incredibly strong people, and Therisa is a terrific battler. She’s been putting up one hell of a fight".

Kelly’s been with Therisa every step of the way. On his personal website,, Kelly writes: "I want to be involved with any charity committed to help fight breast cancer. If you are a part of a charity dedicated to fighting this terrible disease, please let me know how can I be helpful to your organization".

Perdew, 37, and Therisa – who is listed as a registered agent with, a web site co-founded by Perdew for car, truck and motorcycle enthusiasts – were introduced years ago by mutual friends in southern California, and the couple has been living together in the coastal town of Carlsbad, near San Diego.

But that will change – and soon- now that Perdew has been offered a $250 000 per year contract to oversee one of Donald Trump’s building projects.

Perdew added that Therisa had been great help in hiding his participation in the show.
"We had to keep everything secret" said Kelly. "My fiancée and my business partner knew where I was. They went through a lot to keep the charade up... My family thought I was in India!".

Despite Therisa’s health concerns, Kelly and his fiancée are determined to live their lives as normally as possible -  and that includes figuring out their wedding plans. In a recent interview, Kelly revealed that they had put everything on hold earlier this year until younger brother, who had been serving in the military in Iraq, returned home.

Now that his brother is back, Kelly and Therisa can again focus on their future nuptials. "I absolutely need to make up for lost time" says Perdew. "She’s been 100% supportive and is just a phenomenal woman".

L’apprenti Kelly Perdew: Sa fiancée a gagné une bataille contre le cancer

La fiancée de Kelly Perdew, Therisa Stewart, était à ses côtés le soir de sa victoire. Par contre, un million de téléspectateurs ne conaissaient pas (même Donald Trump) la triste réalité caché du couple. Therisa, 33  ans, a combattu le cancer du sein.

"C’était une forme très aggressive de cancer du sein" dit un ami de Kelly. "Son cancer a été diagnostiqué à peu près en même temps que Kelly a débuté le tournage de The Apprentice, plus tôt cette année. Évidemment, la santé de Therisa tracassait énormément Kelly pendant le tournage – mais ils sont des personnes très fortes, et Therisa est une combattante extraordinaire".

Kelly est avec Therisa  à chaque étape de son combat. Sur son site internet personnel,, Kelly a écrit: "Je veux être impliqué avec tous les organismes de charité voulant aidé la bataille contre le cancer du sein. Si vous faites partie d’un organisme de charité dédié à cette terrible maladie, SVP laisser moi savoir comment je pourrais être utile à votre organisation".

Perdew, 37, et Therisa – qui est inscrite comme agente avec, un site web co-fondé par Perdew pour les passionnées d’autos, de camions et de motos – ont été présentés il y plusieurs année par des amis commun. Le couple vit ensemble dans la ville de Carlsbad, proche de San Diego.

Cependant, cela va changer bientôt – maintenant que Perdew s’est vu offrir un contrat de $250 000 par année afin de gérer un projet immobilier Donald Trump.

Perdew ajoute que Therisa l’a beaucoup aidé à garder secrète sa participation à l’émission. "Tout devait être gardé secret" dit Kelly. "Ma fiancée et mon partenaire d’affaires savaient où j’étais. Ils ont dû passer à travers beaucoup de choses afin de préserver le secret...Ma famille croyait que j’étais en Inde!"

Malgré les problèmes de santé de Therisa, Kelly et sa fiancée sont déterminés à vivre une vie aussi normale que possible – incluant planifier leur mariage. Dans une entrevue récente, Kelly a révélé qu’ils avait mis leur projet sur la glace, plus tôt cette année. Ils voulaient attendre le retour de son frère cadet, qui était en Iraq.

Maintenant, son frère est de retour, Kelly et Therisa peuvent se concentrer sur leur futur mariage. "Je dois absolument rattraper le temps perdu" dit Perdew. "Elle m’a supporté à 100%, c’est une femme phénoménale".

Publié : mar. févr. 01, 2005 3:25 pm
par sakke
Article tiré du IN TOUCH du 7 février 2005

Trump runner-up hears "You’re hired!"

Jennifer Massey lost on the second season of The Apprentice, but she’ll be back on the air. Massey has been hired as a contributor to Court TV’s Catherine Crier Live.

Traduction :
La finaliste de Trump entends : "Tu es engagée!"

Jennifer Massey a perdu la dernière saison de The Apprentice, mais elle sera de retour en ondes. Massey a été engagée comme contributrice pour Court TV’s Catherine Crier Live.