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Publié : lun. sept. 24, 2007 4:25 pm
par felix
Citation : For Rawn, this is her song

Local songstress Suzi Rawn will perform at Bootlegger in Aberdeen Mall tomorrow at 2 p.m. as part of a campaign to win the Bootlegger Canada Generation B contest.

By Mikelle Sasakamoose
Staff reporter

Sep 21 2007

Suzi Rawn is back, but she’s not naked anymore.

In an effort to bounce back since the flop of her debut solo album, Naked, the fourth-place season three Canadian Idol star has entered another contest.

The Bootlegger Canada clothing company Generation B contest celebrating youth and their individuality has Rawn all dressed up in the latest fall fashions — and, if she wins, she could be putting $10,000 in the pocket of her new jeans and sporting them in Bootlegger ad campaigns over the next year.

The one-of-a-kind campaign had Bootlegger stores in more than 50 Canadian communities sort through hundreds of online applications to nominate their favourites for an online contest open to the public.

Not in the overall 10, but in the top 60, Rawn’s pulling out all the stops to take home the gold this time around.

The rocker turned pop star wants fans to know she’s getting back to her rock roots.

She admits the album Naked was more like using a body double to do nude scenes — and if she could do it all over again, she’d really let it all hang out.

Working on a new, self-produced album, breaking away from the Idol chains, Rawn said she hopes to release the not-yet-titled work on an indie label.

The new album will feature an acoustic style with electronic back-beats and all Rawn-written tunes.

“These are my sad songs, this is my real life, my real pain, my real everything and I’m not sugarcoating anything — there’s no formula attached to it,” she said.

“These are my songs.”

Taking some time to get back in the saddle after her 2005 Idol run, she said her association with the franchise has hindered her progress as an independent artist.

“I’m broke. I’m a single mom working construction. I have a day job and I work on my music career on the side because I can’t afford it,” she said.

“But music is something I’ll always pursue and I just think it’s important that it be recognized.”

Her debut album, Naked, was more “poppier” than she would have liked, and so, she said, the follow-up is her “‘F’ the rules record.”

To promote her campaign to gain the Generation B crown, Rawn will perform at the Bootlegger in Aberdeen Mall tomorrow at 2 p.m.

If she wins, she said she will use the money to finance her record and take a course, as well as donate some to the Make a Wish Foundation.

For more information, visit or

To vote for Rawn, stop by any Bootlegger store for a ballot.

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