~*¤ Canadian Idol 6 ¤*~*¤ Top 20 (Result Show) 02 juillet ¤*~

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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5678
Inscription : sam. oct. 25, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Kaw3 »

Bon ben :S Moi je lache CI cette annee encore.. je trouve ca trop con que des talents comme jessica et Lisa se font eliminer comme ca... ca me rappelle amerement greg
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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 22573
Inscription : lun. mai 17, 2004 12:00 am

Message par ImWyckA »

Je prédit que le top 10 sera composé de 9 gars & Amberly

La semaine prochaine vont partir Marie-Pierre, Katherine, Katelyn, Adam et deux autres gars...
Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12660
Inscription : sam. juin 28, 2003 12:00 am

Message par felix »

Micka  a écritJe prédit que le top 10 sera composé de 9 gars & Amberly

La semaine prochaine vont partir Marie-Pierre, Katherine, Katelyn, Adam et deux autres gars...

Tant qu'à cela, ils auraient mieux fait de produire deux Canadian Idol... un pour les filles et un autre pour les gars... on auraient eu le meilleur des deux au lieu d'une hécatombe.

Je reviens en août pour constater les dé"gars".....;-(((

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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 8995
Inscription : lun. mars 08, 2004 1:00 am

Message par bizou37 »

Kaw3  a écritBon ben :S Moi je lache CI cette annee encore.. je trouve ca trop con que des talents comme jessica et Lisa se font eliminer comme ca... ca me rappelle amerement greg  
tu es fru toi aussi  
c'est encore une questions de votes...t'a une plus grosse gang, tu reste

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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 8995
Inscription : lun. mars 08, 2004 1:00 am

Message par bizou37 »

Micka  a écritJe prédit que le top 10 sera composé de 9 gars & Amberly

La semaine prochaine vont partir Marie-Pierre, Katherine, Katelyn, Adam et deux autres gars...
encore, on pourrait rester être étonner et voir quitter les Amberly, Theo, Mookie pour ne nommer que ceux là
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Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 8995
Inscription : lun. mars 08, 2004 1:00 am

Message par bizou37 »

felix  a écrit

Tant qu'à cela, ils auraient mieux fait de produire deux Canadian Idol... un pour les filles et un autre pour les gars... on auraient eu le meilleur des deux au lieu d'une hécatombe.

Je reviens en août pour constater les dé"gars".....;-(((
beau jeu de mots
Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 12660
Inscription : sam. juin 28, 2003 12:00 am

Message par felix »

Citation :Canadian Idol: And then there were 16

Posted: July 03, 2008, 11:00 AM by Sarah Millar
Television, Canadian Idol

Keeping with the more music format of the program, on Wednesday's show, Canadian Idol gave us a new twist: the judges' encore. Personally, I think this is a great idea. It's reminiscent of the Dancing with the Stars judges' encore of the best dance from the competition. But with DWTS, dancers are sent home based on the lowest scores combining the viewers' votes and the judges' votes. On Idol, it's just the viewers that send people home. Now, if someone gets an encore and then is eliminated, at least they still can leave with a bit of confidence in themselves as a performer. The judges' encore also gives the singers the extra motivation to do well in their performance in the hopes that they will be chosen for the encore. Let's hope this continues.

The first encore of the night was no surprise. It was Theo, who did just as well, if not better, as Tuesday night. Farley said Theo was chosen because "he's so consistent ... he performs like a master, he's a star." After his performance, Theo told Ben it was an honour to perform again, and also was very excited to see someone in the audience, besides his parents, holding a sign for him.

Next up was Amberly. Zack said she was chosen not just because she is a mature artist, but also because "she as a person radiates the kind of lifestyle that people can buy into" because she's so well-rounded. It was nice to see Amberly ditch the stool for her encore. Good job. Next up was Oliver. Jake said he was chosen because his performance was so good the night before live and it translated better on television. The final encore of the night went to Omar Lunan.

"He showed real control as he was able to show so much emotion," Sass said in her explaination of why it was given to Omar.

The encores really showed the stronger performance night really is the Tuesday night show, since three of them performed Tuesday and only Amberly performed on Monday's show.

Then we got to the eliminations. This week, Ben didn't just blurt them out, he brought over the bottom three competitors from each night.

From Monday night there was Lisa Bell, Marie-Pierre and Paul. From Tuesday night there was Jesse Cottam, Adam Castelli and Jessica Sheppard.

The first person eliminated from Monday night was Paul. I thought that was too bad, I enjoyed Paul's performance this week. It's too bad he wasn't given another week to work on the critiques the judges had for him.

Ben then flipped to Tuesday's results, sending Jesse home. Jesse was one of my picks to go this week, so that wasn't too surprising.

Another commercial before Ben announced that from Monday, Lisa was going home and Marie-Pierre was safe. Again, another one of my picks, so I wasn't too surprised. And the second person going home from Tuesday night was ... Jessica Sheppard. Wow. Did not see that one coming. I didn't really want Adam going home either, but more for hometown pride. I thought Jessica had a lot of potential. But, again, she's from Toronto and Toronto just doesn't seem to vote for its own. It's too bad, because she could have won this.

Ben said next week the order was being switched up a bit (perhaps because the Tuesday group is so much better than the Monday group?), so you don't know when your favourites will be performing, so make sure to watch both nights.

What did you think about the results? Any surprises? Did you're favourite go home? We'll see you next week when we wittle it down from 16 to 10.

http://network.nationalpost.com/np/blog ... re-16.aspx

Seigneur de la Causerie
Messages : 5678
Inscription : sam. oct. 25, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Kaw3 »

bizou37  a écrit
tu es fru toi aussi  
c'est encore une questions de votes...t'a une plus grosse gang, tu reste

Depuis l'annnee passer, je trouve donc que le canada sait pas voter Je prefere american idol de loin.
Caïd de la Causette
Messages : 716
Inscription : ven. janv. 11, 2008 1:00 am

Message par Blu-Ray »

Bonne Vacances Félix  

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Immortel du Domaine
Messages : 24788
Inscription : lun. août 25, 2003 12:00 am

Message par Melsy4 »

Moi je peux voter la semaine prochaine mais après pour 2 semaines je serai en vacances...

Et c'est pas évident de voter plus que 30 minutes pour moi vu lheure a laquelle je me couche!

Mais bon, j'avais voter pour Amberly et Katherine les deux jours et ça bien été!

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